Bluey and the Green Cord Hike (Part 4)
It was around half past five in the morning when all the scouts came out of their tents. They started to make their breakfast, and once they were finished that, they had to clean the hall. They couldn't completely clean the hall at the time though, as Heath was still packing his things, so they headed outside again. They packed up their tents, probably the quickest they've ever done it, and packed up their bags. Once that was done they didn't have much to do, so they started climbing trees. That was alright until I was grabbed by Darien and taken up the tree too. Why? He put me in a fork of the tree and started climbing up the main trunk of the tree. Why? He kept climbing up towards the top of the tree, getting higher than I thought he could climb, and by the time he stopped and I opened my eyes, we were at the very top of the tree. Why? He put me in a fork up there and declared me their god. Well, yes, he was technically right, but I don't need to be fifteen metres ...